1. Venue
The Workshop will be held at Double tree Hilton Hotel located within the historic City of York in United Kingdom. This workshop will be a satellite event to EVC-17/ECOSS-37 held in Harrogate on 17-21 Juke 2024 (add web link)
2. Scope
The aim of the workshop is to bring together the principle researchers currently working on the development, characterisation and practical applications of non-evaporable getter (NEG) coatings. The event will provide an opportunity for the exchange of knowledge and experience of experts from various institutions and industries.
The Workshop is organised by Accelerator Science and Technology Centre (STFC Daresbury Laboratory, UK, http://www.stfc.ac.uk/astec) with support of Institute of Physics (http://www.iop.org) and commercial sponsors. It has been endorsed? by IUVSTA???
Speakers will be invited to address the following principal topics:
- NEG coatings composition, structure and morphology
- Pumping properties
- PSD and ESD
- Low SEY/PEY coatings and materials
- Reduces outgassing: surface coatings and treatments (polishing, vacuum firing, air baking, etc.)
It is also suggested to pay attention on specific topics for discussions on:
- Underlying physics, properties, preparation technology, future directions of study and development.
- NEG coating and Low SEY coating technology: Is magnetron sputtering the only method to use? Coating of special vacuum chambers with complex shapes
- Coating of narrow chambers.
- NEG coating targets: how to approach to industry?
- NEG coating and Low SEY coating lifetime.
- NEG activation: choice of the procedure, what may poison the NEG film, positive and negative experience, suggested procedures.
- Further development of NEG coating: pumping properties, activation temperature, desorption yields.
- Other film physical characteristics relevant for the applications (adhesion, roughness, impedance…)
- Experience of NEG coated vessels installed in working machines.
- Are hydrocarbons and other non-getterable species a real problem with NEG?
- Advantages in the machine design, operation and performances. Use of NEG coating in future projects and further areas of research.
- What we understand about electron/photon/ions bombardment induced gas desorption?
- What is the secondary electron emission under electron and photon bombardment and how does NEG coating compare with TiN and other surface treatments?
- What future work needs to be done?
3. Format
The Workshop sessions will include invited talks (~30 minutes each) and contributed talks (~15 minute) followed by an open discussion. Participants are encouraged to come prepared to make presentations during the discussion sessions.
4. Participation
Participation will be by invitation only. If you have not received an official invitation please contact the organiser direct . Please state your interest in the workshop.
Important dates
Deadline for abstract submission 1 April 2024
Notification to abstract authors 11 April 2024
Deadline for early registration fee 1 May 2024
On behalf of the organising committee.
Reza Valizadeh